That is why it is so important to appropriately select all the elements of the display window, in particular, the mannequin).
What you should pay attention to when selecting mannequins
Modern mannequins are very different from those manufactured a few decades ago. High-quality materials such as fibreglass and other synthetic materials are used to make the mannequins lightweight and they can be produced in virtually any shape or position, and the finish can be in any colour or texture, such as an imitation of wood. It is important to make sure they will match the character of your brand and the style in which they will be used. For example, an exclusive boutique can feature mannequins made of white fibreglass with elements finished with a texture reminiscent of wood grain. An interesting solution for children's clothing stores are mannequins imitating classic dolls with movable elements that can be set in any position.
Mannequins will make your exhibition stand out
If you would like your shop's display to attract the attention of passersby, focus on innovative solutions such as modern mannequins made in non-standard colours - blue, red, or yellow. Another suggestion may be customised mannequins made specifically for your store.
One relatively new solution are stickers which you can use to give mannequins a unique look. For example, you can create mannequins with faces that resemble manga characters. This solution is especially useful in creating displays in stores with products for children and teenagers. A set of well-chosen mannequins makes the display window stand out and attract potential customers.